The Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Company is to provide 450 million meticals for an agricultural and livestock development project to be implemented in the centre and south of the country, specifically in the provinces of Tete, Manica and Gaza.
To be realised in partnership with the Zambezi Valley Development Agency, the initiative called ‘Promeza’ aims to have a socio-economic impact and empower the producer communities living in the districts.
During the launch ceremony, which took place on Thursday 23 May, head of state Filipe Nyusi said that the programme is a reinforcement and extension of the activities carried out by the government, which will help to build value chains.

‘This project will promote the link between production, processing, markets and the consequent generation of income for those involved, and will encourage the population to produce more, so as to increase the commercialisation of national products,’ he stressed.
The leader recalled that ‘agriculture contributes around 25% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and has had a positive evaluation as a result of investments made in its mechanisation, purchase of inputs, extension of areas, investment in cash crops and support in financing agro-processing’.
For his part, HCB’s Chairmans, Tomás Matola, maintained that the programme financed by his institution will prepare communities to supply local markets, given the emergence of structuring projects linked to the energy industry and coal mining.
‘We firmly believe that investment in initiatives related to activities such as agriculture will help improve the lives of the population and boost the economy,’ he concluded.