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Government Recognizes that Agricultural Production “Does Not Meet Consumption Needs”

Government Recognizes that Agricultural Production “Does Not Meet Consumption Needs”

The agricultural production, in the capital of the country, still does not cover the needs of consumption, a fact that, according to the Government, contributes to spending on imports, and among the main products imported from South Africa are potatoes, cabbage, carrots, frozen chicken, eggs and fish.

Given this scenario, and in order to reverse it, Lúcia Luciano, director of the Economic Activities Services at the Council of State Representation Services, pointed out that the authorities intend, among several measures, to invest in the availability of water for irrigation through the construction of new systems, in the use of improved and drought tolerant seed, in livestock development and in the processing of vegetables and poultry.

The industry intends to train extension workers and producers on climate change or conservation agriculture practices to improve productivity.

“We envision transforming and modernizing agriculture, especially in the way of organizing production and commercialization, involving the private sector and a greater integration of the family branch in the national and international market, selecting strategic crops for domestic consumption and for export, a fact that will accelerate growth, create more jobs and, above all, provide food for the population,” he said.

In the current 2021-2022 season, Maputo aims to leverage the agricultural production, expecting to produce 178 183.8 tons of various products, as well as produce 7206 tons of chicken meat.

The capital of the country has 1300 hectares of arable land, spread over the districts of KaMavota, KaMubukwana, KaTembe and KaNyaka. It also has more than 14,500 farmers grouped into 33 associations assisted by 46 agricultural extension workers.



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