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AJAP Launches E-Academy Training in Mozambique in 2024

AJAP Launches E-Academy Training in Mozambique in 2024

The AJAP – Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal (Association of Young Farmers of Portugal) will launch the E-Academia training programme in Mozambique next year, in a hybrid model (online and face-to-face), and will launch a technical magazine focused on the agricultural realities and main crops of Mozambique.

The announcement was made by AJAP’s director-general, Firmino Cordeiro, on 8 December, at a round table on humanitarian action, cooperation and development, an initiative that took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, organised by MEP Carlos Zorrinho, from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament.

The event was attended by members of the Portuguese Platform of Non-Governmental Organisations for Development (NGDOs), and there were 24 members present, including AJAP, which was represented by Firmino Cordeiro. The round table centred on the ‘Triple Nexus: humanitarian action, development, peace, from theory to practice’.

For AJAP, the issue of cooperation and agricultural and rural development, “is extremely important for rural and agricultural development, and has been a priority area for AJAP practically since it was set up, and is seen as a privileged vehicle for increasing the economy of the countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), with a particular focus on Mozambique, Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe and Brazil”, emphasises Firmino Cordeiro.

AJAP’s work in this area is characterised by “active collaboration in agricultural and rural development, materialised in numerous projects, information sharing, technical support and the promotion of partnerships”.

Agricultura e Mar


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